Company Overview


inventAsia Limited is a British owned International Group, registered in Hong Kong with overseas subsidiaries including the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and The Philippines. The Group celebrates 38 years in 2025.


The origins of the business were within project management and process engineering for the food, pharmaceutical and beverage sectors in the UK, Europe and in particular the Asia-Pacific region.

Diversification into healthcare in 2005 with our Prescribe Digital division inspired the Company to invest significantly in Health Technology. During this time, we have become a leading player in the UK and elsewhere.

Our People

inventAsia, have been building a specialist offshore workforce in The Philippines for nearly 20 years to service its own needs. We fully respect the culture of our employees (wherever located) and embrace diversity in all aspects.

With many talented goal orientated people, constantly focused on embracing new technologies with an enormous passion to deliver the best possible for our customers.

In essence , when you are seeking business partners, no doubt your decision is based upon the people that you will be dealing with, confidence in their ability to consistently deliver above and beyond your expectations/ desired business model, and clearly demonstrating an overarching principle of transparency and trust.

Corporate Responsibility

inventAsia invests in local communities, especially those affected by natural disasters, and those people living in difficult circumstances.

Our staff volunteer in programmes to assist in disaster recovery with packing and distributing essential supplies and well as giving whatever they can to assist those less fortunate in life…

Moving forwards

Despite global turmoil and rapidly changing times, our business plan and strategy of just four years ago is maturing to the extent that it has placed us where we need to be now.  That is, achieving the most effective relationship  between people and technology, thus providing highly efficient impact for any business now and in the future.